During the recent February half term break, I
was asked by a friend, if one of Cable the Crow's fans, (who has an immense love of art), could meet with me. Without
hesitation, I agreed to the request and sure enough, I was dazzled by her
amazing talent, and her phenomenal manners; she was a 7-year-old angel!
So, on this surprisingly sunny afternoon, we ate
lunch, healthy pizza… (not so sure about that), sandwiches, sausage rolls, (no
one was vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian or had any known allergies); so, we also
ate (my otherwise forbidden), mini cakes…yum, yum, yum and drank Ribena; the
grown-ups drank coffee.
After our bellies were nice and full, the
7-year-old angel and I sat at our ‘dining /come everything room table,’ to
commence some art.
Now from my own recollection of experience, I
learned to use the medium of markers, by first practising with cool grey
markers, acquiring skills of blending, gradation, in other words-tonal values.
I had better mention, for those of you who are not au-fait with markers- they
are fundamentally posh felt tips. With my own recollection in mind, I set the
7-year-old angel a few tasks, with a few cool grey markers and a marker pad.
Again, for those who don’t know; it is imperative to work on the correct
paper…there are many varieties of paper, but for markers, a marker pad is a
The 7-year-old angel was a dream to teach; she
worked arduously upon every task that I set her. I demonstrated, and she
emulated. After a good hour and a half, she was most definitely ready to put
into practice what she had learnt. She drew Cable the Crow in his pj’s, from
the illustration that I had drawn for the front cover of my book. In fact, I
liked her version better than mine! It had an almost ‘Quentin Blake’ style, but
you can judge for yourself from the pictures I have uploaded. Markers in hand,
techniques stored in memory bank, the 7 year old angel began her creation,
whilst we adults, slurped more coffee and nibbled naughty ‘choccy,’ biscuits.
Finally, the masterpiece was ready for exhibiting
to the myself and the grown-up audience. We stood back in amazement; what a
truly fantastic piece of artwork! Any art and design teacher
will be lucky to teach this 7-year-old angel.
By now the early evening was drawing in and we had
just enough time for my reading to her the story of: ‘Cable the Crow.’ Whilst I
read from her book, she changed pages from the PowerPoint on my laptop. What a
thoroughly rewarding afternoon; I got to do what I love to do best: art, creating, teaching and
drama- through my characters voices during story telling. Conclusively, I was
lucky enough to meet a 7-year-old angel with amazing artistic talent. If you
don’t believe me, take a look at her work in the pictures that I have uploaded.
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