School visits prior to a fractured ankle.

A great inauguration with year2 and year3 combined school assemblies. Approximately 120 children joined me for my inaugural reading, which resulted in the images of this hugely entertaining event going viral to their school Facebook page, Twitter and their weekly newsletter. Some really well-thought-out, pertinent questions were asked by the children, who were impressively well-behaved and were captivated during my reading.

Prior to my second school visit, I managed to fracture my ankle whilst falling down the stairs that lead from my study. My study is situated in our loft conversion, and it is home to my trusty drawing board, where all my artwork and stories are created. I am now instilled with the belief that holding the handrail whilst walking up and down the stairs is an imperative requite! Currently, the obligatory 'Moon boot,' is presenting further challenges regarding my mobility and needless to say, I can't wait to ditch this accessory.

However, I decided regardless of my fractured ankle, that I would honor my second pre-arranged school visit. I did preempt that my 'Questioning & Answering,' session would possibly evoke questions pertaining to my 'Moon boot.' I thought it wise to remove my 'Moon boot,' (despite NHS advice) and make my grand entrance with alternate footwear; I chose to wear my Ugg boots.

My second visit was equally successful, and I was delighted to learn that one little girl already had my book; 'Cable the Crow,' purchased for her. She was excited to inform me that she had a cousin called Cameron too, just like the 'Chuff,' in my story. It was so exhilarating to yet again, experience such well-behaved and captivated young children. They listened intently to my characters voices and asked some profound questions, which had been well-thought-out. I was so impressed that one child had noticed my use of alliteration with regard to the various birds in my book and implemented the word 'alliteration,' during the 'Questioning and Answering,' dialogue. This school also elucidated the event to their social media and school newsletter. I have agreed to return to the school to read my next forthcoming book: 'Cable goes camping.'

Conclusively, I should like to thank the schools for their fantastic hospitality. I have been extremely well received and fortunate in meeting and being greeted by such delightful children and teaching staff alike. My school reading visits will recommence when the 'Moon boot,' can be discarded!


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